About Us
Queen's Dance Academy will assist each child by:
Boosting their Self-Esteem
Building Social Awareness
Teaching Effective Communication, Socialization & Life Skills
Encouraging Teamwork
Enhancing Morals & Values based on Trust, Honesty and Integrity
Demonstrating How to Build Effective Friendships with a diverse array of children and adults alike

At Q.D.A., we will achieve our mission to motivate the youth of the future by:
Utilizing the art of Dance, to inspire, uplift, support and encourage each child to reach their personal goals with the willingness to try new things, by stepping out of their comfort zones.
Establishing functional skills by planning, organizing and utilizing good decision-making abilities.
Assisting & Encouraging strong academic skills by helping each child achieve age-appropriate educational goals through our mentorship programs.
Boosting Physical Fitness & Awareness by learning the value of self-care and self-worth.
Helping each child expand their perspective on life as their vision grows beyond their backyard.
Encouraging each child to Dream, Think, and Imagine, “That they have to see it, before they see it, or they’ll never see it."
Learning to Step out on faith and trusting that "Greater is He that is within me, than He that is within the world.”
I John 4:4
Our P. E. A. R. L. S
We are Dancing into our Destiny
We are uniquely made, One of a kind
We strive to be the best
Knowing that God has given us this chance
Our grades, Our standards, Our heads held high
This is our season
We will not be Denied
We are Beautiful
We are Blessed
We are Strong And ohhhh yesssss So Brilliant
We were Born Queens
Royalty are we
No I, No Me, No Excuses, We speak
My sisters, Our strengths, our passion
We won’t quite
We Are Queens